2002 Explorer Fuse Box Diagram: Exploring the Fuse Boxes (2025)

Make and Model > Ford, Lincoln, Mercury > Explorer > 2002 Explorer Fuse Box Diagram: Exploring the Fuse Boxes

2002 Explorer Fuse Box Diagram: Find the correct fuse for the circuit you’re working on.

This 2002 Explorer Fuse Box Diagram article shows two fuse boxes. The power distribution box is also called the battery junction box and is located under the hood on the driver’s side near the firewall. It’s a rectangular box next to the brake master cylinder. The fuse and relays for the higher-powered devices are located in that fuse box.

The Passenger Compartment Fuse Box is also called the Central Junction Box. This fuse box is located at the end of the dash board on the driver’s side, covered by a trim panel. To access the fuse box, pull the trim panel toward the door.

To learn more about automotive fuses, see this article

To learn how to check a fuse visually or without removing it, see this article

NOTE: Ford changed fuse boxes in mid-model year. There are 4 fuse box designs, Early build with and without daytime running lights and Late build with and without daytime running lights. This 2002 Explorer Fuse Box Diagram is for the Late build.

A note about fuses, battery power, and keep alive memory

If you disconnect the battery or remove the PCM fuses from the fuse box, the PCM will lose its adaptive memory and baseline throttle body position. You can avoid this by providing backup power using a jumper pack and an inexpensive OBDII cable. See this article for more information on providing backup power to prevent the loss of adaptive memory. Or, you can perform a throttle body relearn procedure and then drive the vehicle so it can relearn the new adaptive memory settings. See this article for instructions on how to perform a 2014 F150 throttle body relearn procedure.

2002 Explorer Fuse Box Diagram for Battery Junction Box/Power Distribution Box

The power distribution box is located in the engine compartment on the driver’s side. Find it near the firewall next to the master cylinder and wiper motor. The power distribution box contains high-current fuses that protect your vehicle’s main electrical systems from overloads.

How to find your fuse and the devices served by that fuse

There are 63 fuse/relay slots in the Battery Junction Box. The chart shows only 10 to speed up load time. Here’s how to find the fuse and circuit you want.
1) Change the number of entries showing (in the Show Entries Box) to 100 and scroll the list.
2) Enter the name of the component you’re searching for in the Search box.
3) Use the Next/Previous buttons at the bottom of the table
2002 Explorer Fuse Box Diagram: Exploring the Fuse Boxes (2)
PJB= Passenger Junction Box
HEGO = Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor
VMV= Vapor Mangement Valve
PTEC= Powertrain Electronic Control Module (PCM)
CMS= Central Security Module

Fuse numberAmperageCircuits protected
F160Passenger Junction Box
F3Not used
F430Rear defrost
F540Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) pump
F660Delayed accessory circuit breaker
F720Power point #2
F8Not used
F920Power point #1
F1030ABS module (valves)
F1140PTEC (Powertrain Control Module)
F1250Ignition relay/Starter relay
F1340Trailer tow battery, Trailer tow turn signals
F1410Daytime Running Lamps (DRL) (Canada)/Foglamps (export only)
F1515Memory (KAPWR)
F1615Headlamp switch
F17204x4 (v-batt 2)
F18204x4 (v-batt 1)
F1920High beam relay
F2030Electric brake
F2130Front wiper motor
F2220Autolamp; Low beam
F2330Ignition switch
F24Not used
F25Not used
F2615Fuel pump
F2720Trailer tow lamps
F2820Horn relay
F2960Passenger Junction Box
F3020Rear wiper motor
F31Not used
F32Not used
F3330Auxiliary blower motor
F3430Passenger power seat, Adjustable pedals
F35Not used
F3640Blower motor
F3715A/C clutch relay/Transmission
F3815Coil on plug
F3915Injectors/Fuel pump relay
F4015PTEC power (Powertrain Control Module)
F4210Right low beam
F4310Left low beam
F4415Front foglamps
F455Brake pressure switch
F4620High beams
F47Horn relay
F48Fuel pump relay
F49High beam relay
F50Fog lamp relay
F51DRL relay (Canada)/AdvanceTrac relay
F52A/C clutch relay
F53Trailer tow right turn
F54Trailer tow left turn
F55Trailer tow left turn
F56Blower motor relay
F57Starter relay
F58PTEC relay
F59Ignition relay
F60PCM diode
F61A/C clutch diode
F6230A circuit breakerPower windows circuit breaker

Explorer Fuse Box Diagram for Cabin/Passenger Compartment Fuse Panel

The cabin fuse panel is located on the far left-hand side of the instrument panel. Ford refers to this as the passenger compartment fuse box or the central junction box (CJB). The panel faces the driver’s door and is covered by a snap-in lid. Pull the panel cover outward to access the fuses.

Top Side with Relays

Fuse numberAmperageCircuits protected
F130Memory seat module
F220Heated seats, Moonroof
F320Radio, Amplifier, Power antenna, DVD
F45Front wiper module
F515Flasher relay (Turn, hazards)
F610Right horn
F715Heated mirrors
F8Not used (spare)
F9Not used (spare)
F1010Heated backlight relay coil, Heated seat module, Temp blend actuator, A/C clutch contact
F11Not used (spare)
F125Foglamp switch, 4x4 module
F135Overdrive cancel switch, Flex fuel sender
F145PATS module
F155Rear wiper module, Cluster, TPMS
F165Power mirror, Manual climate control, TPMS
F1715Delayed acc. coil, Battery saver, Interior lamps (front and rear), Glove compartment lamp
F1810Left horn
F1910RCM, PAD indicator
F205PATS, Driver seat switch, Memory switch, Driver seat module, BSM,
Sunload sensor
F215Instrument cluster, Compass,
Flasher coil
F2210ABS, IVD Controller
F2315Brake pedal position switch, Driver brake applied relay, Redundant cruise deactivate switch
F2415Cigar lighter, OBD II
F255Mode-Temperature actuator for auxiliary climate control, Trailer
tow battery charge coil
F267.5Park aid, Brake shift interlock, Approach lamp relay coil, IVD switch
F277.5Electrochromatic mirror, Digital transmission range sensor - backup lamps
F285Radio (Start)/DVD (Start)
F2910Digital transmission range sensor, PWR feed to fuse #28 (Start feed)
F305Daytime Running Lamps (DRL), Remote solenoid, DEATC climate controller

2002 Explorer Rear Relay Box

The rear relay box is located on the rear quarter panel (passenger side). To access this box, you must remove the trim panel.

2002 explore rear relay box

15 Trailer tow back- up lamps
19 Trailer tow park lamps
20 Trailer tow battery charge
22 Approach lamps
Other relays are not used in the 2002 model

2002 Explorer Auxiliary relay box (Canadian vehicles equipped with
AdvanceTrac only)

The relay box is located on the front right fender well underneath the speed control module
64 AdvanceTrac relay

Tips to diagnose electrical issues on your 2001 Explorer

If your power windows don’t work

The power windows receive power from Fuse #47 in the PDB and the Accessory Delay Relay in the passenger compartment fuse box.

If your blower motor doesn’t work
The blower motor gets its power from the blower motor relay #9 in the battery junction/power distribution box.
If the circuit you’re working on contains a relay
• A simple way to test a relay is to swap in a similarly shaped relay and see if the component works.
• If that doesn’t work, remove the relay and test for power to the relay control coil and contacts using a multimeter. For more information on relay testing, see this article.
©, 2018 Rick Muscoplat

Posted on April 16, 2024 by Rick Muscoplat


  • Explorer
  • Ford


  • 2002 Explorer Fuse Diagram
  • fuse box diagram

2002 Explorer Fuse Box Diagram: Exploring the Fuse Boxes (2025)
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